Osteoporosis Due to Drink Coffee

Posted by Go Trends

Osteoporosis is a bone disease that is feared, especially for women. Apparently, according to research, drinking milk calcium does not completely prevent a woman developing osteoporosis. Always be balanced with naturally calcium intake from vegetables such as mustard greens, broccoli, turnip greens. However, sometimes people are lazy to the consumption of vegetables and also milk in their menu. Here are some suggestions that are easy to do as early osteoporosis prevention.

1. Not too much consumption of animal protein, especially red meat, poultry, eggs and a variety of dairy products. The foods containing phosphate (acid) in the blood high, to neutralize them by using the base, and calcium is alkaline. So the buddy calcium will be absorbed higher / more to neutralize excess acid in the blood. As a result, bones become brittle.

2. Coffee and soda can weaken the frame. Soda contains a lot of phosphoric acid, as described previously, because these chemicals can absorb more calcium in the body. Coffee and all drinks containing caffeine serves as a diuretic (a liquid laxative) in the body, thus undid all the minerals and nutrients that are good for the bones.

3. Too much 'acid' in the body, neutralizing with potassium / potassium so that calcium is not 'deprived' of your body, even the bones healthy. The source comes from the raisins, sweet oranges, green beans, baked potatoes with skin, watermelon, spinach. In addition to healthy bones, a healthy heart also

4. Eat nuts, almonds, chestnuts, hazelnuts, sesame seeds are rich in calcium, potassium, omega 3. Can be added to food buddy buddy like oatmeal, cold cereals, salad.

5. Bask in the sun healthy / well (7-9 am) for 15 min sufficient for the production of vitamin D mate, also the consumption of sardines, fresh salmon, mackerel, contain a good source of vitamin D.

6. Consumption of vitamin D supplements are natural, because it is ideal to get a source of nutrients easily and stay safe.

That's the things you can do everything my friend, not just women, men can also apply this to avoid osteoporosis. Protect your bones from a young age, so it is no slouch in the future. Besides day-to-day posture, especially in daily activities also affect bone health.

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