History of Pangkep

Posted by Go Trends

Overview of Regional Pangkep


The total area of ​​1112.29 km2 Pangkep District after initially analyzed with GIS in collaboration with Bakosurtanal changes to 12362.73 km2 with a land area of ​​898.29 km2 and a marine area 11464.44 Km2 (4 miles from the coastline) with 112 islands.


Number of Islands in the district administration and the Islands Pangkajene were 112 islands, 47 islands are uninhabited. The islands are the territory of three districts namely islands, sub Liukang Tupabiring, Lukang Kalmas and Liukang Tangaya.


There are two sub-mountainous areas namely:

Sub Tallasa and hold-up man

Sub Balocci


Lowland areas there are 7 districts including; kecamtan Pangkep Pangkajene as the district capital, District Minasate'ne, Bungoro, Labakkang, Marang, Segeri, Mandalle. Distance to the provincial capital of South Sulawesi (Makassar) 51 km to the north.

Government in the district. Pangkep covers 12 districts comprising of 9 districts and 3 districts in mainland islands. Based on recent data from 12 sub-districts, divided into 38 urban villages and 64 village

Periodization Pangkep

Periodization Regional History Pangkep

Regional History Pangkep inseparable from the history of the area - other areas in South Sulawesi as interrelated and influence each other. In the Introduction to the History of Science Indonesia (RM Ali, 1963 in Mattulada, 1982:144), advancing a scene of Indonesia's history that can be used to determine the time and place in penyejarahannya South Sulawesi, namely:

I. - 132 AD: the prehistoric period, include: Paleothicum, Mesolithicum, Neolithicum as future seed nursery culture in Indonesia.

II. 132 - +400: Proto History, during the development of indigenous community life as the basis of national life.

III. 400-1511: The sinking raised kingdom - the kingdom, the sole power struggle at sea and on land.

IV. 1511 - 1911: Tidal power - power in Indonesia, the sole power struggle between Indonesia and between Indonesia and other nations, namely Indonesia itself and the power struggle between them with foreign nations, such as Portuguese, Spanish, Dutch, English and French.

V. 1911-17/8/1945: The struggle for independence, the political form of the Dutch East Indies to uphold the independence of Indonesia.

VI. 17/08/1945 dst: The Development, The struggle to realize our nationhood fair and prosperous. Prof Dr Mattulada admit that XII century, is still considered to be a period of darkness or the dark period in the history of South Sulawesi. Later in the XIII century, came the Book Negarakertagama essays MPU Prapanca (1364) at the time of Gajah Mada as Mahapatih Kingdom of Majapahit in Java.

In the book, found the words "Makassar", who is mentioned as one of the few areas in South Sulawesi and other regions conquered the Majapahit. Here's an excerpt Negarakertagama that: "......... i Bantayan scout land muwah len Luwuk about Udamakatrayadhi nikanang sanusaspupulIkangsakasanusa Makassar Butun Banggawai Kuni Craliyao mwangi (ng) Selaya Sumba Muar Soto ........." That is the whole South Sulawesi, a region to the Majapahit kingdom conquered VI, ie Bantayan (Bantaeng), Luwuk (Luwu), Udamakatraya (Talaud), Makassar (Makassar), Butun (Buton), Banggawai (Banggai), turmeric (P. Turmeric), Selaya (Selayar), Solot (Solor), and so on. Mas'ud [1] (Masoud, 1977) looked at a number of factors that the cause has not been the unfolding of a dark period of history, namely: (1) The influence of culture and Hinduism are still lacking revealed. (2) Not got a tradition of writing on a historical event in the form of stone written in stone and the inscription. (3) Yet the presence of a piece of stone or rubble of a building and the statue could give clues about religion, relations with the reigning king, and the sign - a sign that can be attributed to the possibility of a kingdom. (4) the disclosure of any record or chronicle yet of China, India on South Sulawesi, for example, in the text of Ramayana and Mahabharata, as well as notes from a cruise that calls this area during the Ptolemaic era trade traffic. (5) The absence of a positive and a maximum effort in preparing and inventory discovery and writing of the Chinese people of South Sulawesi, in chronological order in this area. (6) Yet the unfolding of a story that may be found in the Annals of Java, Bali Chronicle, Chronicle Sunda, and the Chronicle of Sumatra, about the relationship of these areas to the South Sulawesi in the past (Fadillah, et.al, 2001).

A number of factors is precisely the reason why the kingdom Spot Kuna be not so well known --- Spot expected to experience a "golden age" century XV - XVI --- while the Bugis Makassar tradition known later wrote "lontarak" in the seventeenth century. Lunch is only little known and little new can be uncovered through archaeological research in the former center of government and the port area Spot (World Sengkae, Bori Appaka) [2]. In Period History, (Mas'ud, 1997) saw this period consists of three phases, namely: (1) Century X - XV M. In this phase already recorded a number of kingdoms in South Sulawesi, Such as: Spot, Luwu, Gowa, Soppeng, Wajo Bone, Balanipa, and the development of the Tu-Manurung myths that appear in each kingdom, and all of them are in lontarak. (2) Century XV - XIX M.

At this time, South Sulawesi from contact with people coming and growing Erofah and Islam. War between local kingdoms, wars with the Dutch in the race for political and economic hegemony, (3) XIX century - Century Struggle Independence Movement and Future Development. By referring to the picture of periodization History of South Sulawesi (Mas'ud, 1977), the history periodization Pangkep can start in this period of history, because it is more period and found several sources of historical information.

For the recent period, it can be said to be dark, dark period in history, not just Pangkep history, but the history of South Sulawesi in general as expressed by Prof. Dr. Mattulada. Periodization Pangkep Regional History: First Century X - XV. At this time described the early history and the birth of Spot, Spot growing up heyday. Also described political entities, economic and trade relations with other regions.

In a parallel to the local historiography, text - text regarding the Portuguese west coast from north to south and archaeological site, give us a social and cultural reality of South Sulawesi between 1545-1609: a view quite detailed and coherent. Unfortunately most significant information from the Portuguese testimonies referring to the recent period, which is said Pelras (1981: 174) has coherence with the text and provide precision Bugis Makassar early sixteenth century, while the future - the past as it was introduced to the epic I La Galigo pengasas dynastic origins semi-Heavens and legends kingdom can not fill the XIV and XV century.

Negarakertagama Similarly, the ancient Javanese texts had been mentioned several tuponim apparently close neighbors: Bantayan (Bantaeng), Salaya (Selayar), and Mengkasar (Makassar), but it has not helped much and Resources Cinapun absent in this period. (Fadhillah et. Al, 2000). Secondly, Century XVI - XIX. During this period, Spot has experienced political fallout and decreased influence. as fiefs (palili) Gowa Kingdom. During the turmoil of history, is in rotation tangled domination Gowa and Bone strength superiority and the Netherlands.

At this period in time the name Spot finally completely immersed in the scene of history. The next period was dominated Gowa royal twins - Tallo (Kingdom of Makassar), the Kingdom and the Kingdom of Luwu Bone. Third, XIX century - Revolution and the Future of Physical Development. At this time a small kingdom or political territorial unit, as Pangkajene, Bungoro, Labakkang, Marang, Segeri and Mandalle up to fight against Dutch colonialism.

In this period the movement of figures appear to the base and a neat movement struggle, who dared to take up arms to seize and maintain independence was almost evenly in all regions adatgemenschap. Movement leaders such as A. Mappe, La Sameggu Dg Kalaebbu, Andi Maruddani Karaeng Bonto-Bonto, and so only a fraction of the figures of the freedom fighters Pangkep.

Reference : 

  • Makkulau, M. Farid W. 2007. Sejarah dan Kebudayaan Pangkep. Pangkep : Pemkab Pangkep.
  • Makkulau, M. Farid W. 2008. Sejarah Kekaraengan di Pangkep. Makassar :'Pustaka Refleksi.

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pustaka sulsel said...

assw. ada baiknya kalau sebuah tulisan diposting dengan menyebutkan sumbernya.

salam kenal dinda, tulisan yang dinda posting adalah tulisan saya. :)

Gone Asia said...

Wassalamu Alaikum, nama kanda sudah saya cantumkan...
ditunggu tulisan berikutnya

Haikal Sulaiman said...

Nice info, Boss

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