Foods That Prevent Hair Loss

Posted by Go Trends

Hair care as well as keep in shape. Hair also need supplements to maximize growth. Healthy hair is growing longer on average about half an inch per month.

Vitamin deficiency can slow hair growth. That is why it is necessary mengasup supplements contain nutrients that are good for hair growth such as iron, essential fatty acids and vitamin B.


Iron deficiency can cause hair loss. Before menopause, women need 18 mg of iron per day. According to WebMD, the habit of eating foods rich in iron, such as broccoli or brewer's yeast, helps normalize the hair growth. In addition to low iron intake, a diet low in protein and fat can exacerbate hair health.

Vitamin B

Additional B vitamins, especially the B-12 and biotin, can promote hair growth. Vitamin B-12 helps maintain healthy scalp and hair follicles to stimulate the opening of new hair growth.

Ted Daly, a professor of clinical dermatology Nassau University Medical Center, advises women mengasup 2.4 mcg of B-12 and 3 mg of biotin per day to promote hair growth. Biotin plays an important role in the manufacturing process so as not easily fragile hair. Vitamin B-12 can be found through supplements or animal protein such as meat and egg yolks.

Essential Fatty Acids

Essential fatty acids (EFAs) such as those found in fatty fish, nuts and olive oil plays an important role in hair growth. If the hair is not getting enough nutrients will trigger hair loss, dry hair growth slows and makes hair brittle easy.

Fish oil supplements primrose oil or flaxseed can help the process of hair growth. Choose a supplement that provides 3 grams of essential fatty acids per day and foods containing Omega 3 and Omega-6 fatty acids for the best results.

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