Healthy Living Through Hand Washing

Posted by Go Trends

Handwashing habits in the community, especially children, is not yet widely applied. Though clean and healthy lifestyle behaviors, starting from hand washing to prevent and inhibit various diseases.

Recognizing the importance of generating awareness of the behavior and healthy, make efforts Lifebouy education, outreach and advocacy to encourage behavioral change and healthy living.

"Departure of the mission to reach 220 million people in Indonesia, Lifebouy as disinfectant soap, made several programs to improve behavior and health. One of them actively running educational programs to change the habit of washing hands with soap in a way that is right and good," said Lusi Wilyastuti Suwito, Senior Brand Manager Lifebouy Soap.

According to Dr. Handrawan Nadesul, as health practitioners, a disease that often affects people of Indonesia is diarrhea. Data from Sub Diarrhea in 2003 showed the number of diarrhea patients in Indonesia amounted to 300/1.000 population. In fact, the disease can be prevented by living a clean and healthy behaviors. One of the simplest is to wash hands with soap in a way that is good and right.

"Until now, the general health condition of the people of Indonesia are still very apprehensive. Example, the rate of infection in Indonesia is quite high due to neglect of the environment is clean and healthy," said Dr. Handrawan.

Explained Dr Handrawan that there are five important to wash your hands the right way and good. Ie, after the toilet, after menceboki child, before eating, before feeding the child and before preparing food.

Although educational programs handwashing with soap seem simple, but it proved to be effective as a way to avoid the spread of germs. Even according to the World Health Organization (World Health Organization-WHO), this habit can reduce nearly 50% of cases of diarrhea and Acute Respiratory Infections (ARI).

"Under bendara campaign 'Sharing Lifebouy Healthy', this year Lifebouy re-implement a variety of educational programs, outreach and advocacy to improve the behavior and healthy. This is realized by a major supporter of the declaration of the" Global Hand Washing Day "to be held every 15 October to achieve Healthy Indonesia national mission, "close Wilya.

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