Husband Kill Wife in Front of Children

Posted by Go Trends

Ilustration, Fajar

Sally Qodriyah really unfortunate fate. The 28-year-old woman died horribly. Ironically, the school teachers of kindergarten was dying at the hands of her own husband, Yoni (34). Victims were killed by two stab wounds in the chest to penetrate to the heart.

This sad event occurred in Kampung Rawabambu RT 06/16, Village Harapanjaya, Bekasi Utara, Bekasi, Wednesday (24/4). In fact, when the suspect did 'execution', apparently witnessed his eldest daughter Sapphira (9) and daughter-in-law, who are elderly Aliyah.

Victim's brother-in-law, Sukayat (38), relates the tragic events that became known only after the law, listening Aliyah people moaning in pain from the victim's bedroom. Because the suspect, he immediately checked it.

My in-laws'' shouted for help, her son was killed. He saw Sally (the victim) was strangled and stabbed in the stomach, "he said at the time that he was in front of the house.

Hearing the cries of the people of the house directly uproar. His family and helping victims who have bled in the bedroom. While the direct perpetrators secured at the following location kitchen knife used to kill her own life.

'' I just call a cab, my sister securing him (the suspect). Wear a belt tied his legs, his hands tied behind his back, "he said.

Sally covered in blood, was rushed to the Hospital (RS) Ananda, West Bekasi. Unfortunately, life is not hopeless. The results of the medical team, said he, the brother-in-law suffered a stab wound severe enough to penetrate to the heart.

'' Had given oxygen, but died of his wounds in the heart, "he added.

Meanwhile, the suspect then secured to the board before continuing the local neighborhood was brought to North Bekasi Police. Officers received a report immediately drove to the location to do if the Genesis Place Case (TKP). From the location, police confiscated a kitchen knife, a small case, the victim's clothes were covered in blood.

'' He (the suspect) get into the house through the front door, but nobody knows. Though stalls open until morning, "he explained.

Before the tragic events that occurred, the family had guessed there are events. As if the bad feeling has been preaching this family. Sukayat said on Sunday (21/04), the suspect went to Sally's family to ask for reconciliation after two months separated. However, Sally refused on the grounds not want to go home with the suspect despite having had two children, Safira (9) and Abay (3).

'' If my problem is not ideology, because I never interfere. Only he (the suspect) asked for reconciliation, but Sally does not want to, she asked for a divorce, "he continued.

However, the victims were told to move, from the front to the back room. The reason, to avoid things that are not desirable. '' Last night (last night) he came with his son Abay. From the beginning the family already had a hunch there will be an event like this, why Sally dipindahin from front to back. Turns cheated too, "he added.

Meanwhile, the suspect Yoni (34) confession. He regretted having killed his own wife. The suspect also admitted the murder of his own wife was planned after rujuknya request was denied. In fact, he admitted to having killed his wife, he would kill himself because he wanted to die together.

'' I came at 7 pm with Abay (the second son) met him (the victim). I do not want to take home, he just asked for a divorce, "said the suspect, told reporters at Police Headquarters on North Bekasi.

Meeting with his wife lasted for approximately two hours at 21.00.Tersangka then return to his home in Kampung Fur RT 05/02 No. 60 Village Setiamekar, District South Tambun, Bekasi. Even the second son had a chance to ride with the victim. '' After the meeting, I went again with my son, "he explained.

From there comes the intention to commit the murder of his wife whom he married in 2003. After the break, the suspect left his home at approximately 4:30 using public transportation (public transportation) to the victim's house in Kampung Rawabambu.

'' My son dropped off to his grandmother. I took a knife in the kitchen, then go. I do not say goodbye, "he said.

Finally, around 05:30, the suspect arrived at the victim's home. Looking at the situation quiet, the suspect immediately pushed into the room where his wife Sally was sleeping soundly with her baby Sapphira. The suspect stabbed the victim with a crazy straight blade, not just the cleaning service company in Pulogadung doll was also strangled.

'' My son saw him cry. I also intend to commit suicide in addition to his wife, because he wanted to die together, I love him. But the trigger knife seized at his brother, "he said.

As a result of the offense, North Bekasi Police investigators snare suspects with Article 340 of the Criminal Code on premeditated murder, murder subside about 338 of the Criminal Code, a subsidiary 351 paragraph 1 of the persecution to cause loss of life. He threatened with imprisonment for life.

Wakapolresta Bekasi City, Chief Hero Henrianto Bakhtiar justify the killings carried out by the plan. Because, the suspect took the knife to kill his wife out of the home life, according to him, before the event, the evening between perpetrators and victims involved bicker.

'' Perpetrators of murder has been planned with a knife, as actor said he wanted to kill himself as well, "he told reporters in Mapolresta Bekasi City.

Results of examination of suspects, motive is the beginning rather than murder Domestic Violence (domestic violence) because of economic problems. So, led by estranged about two months ago.

'' Between the victim with the perpetrator had separate beds, where the offender lived in Tambun, and the victim lived in a crime scene (crime scene). And commotion was two months ago the economic problems, "he said.

source : Fajar

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