UMI Back Heats

Posted by Go Trends

Violence has occurred on the campus of the University of Indonesian Muslims (UMI). Six units of motorcycles on campus was burned by a group of strangers, Monday, April 22 yesterday.

Information compiled, an unknown youth groups that suddenly get into college with a motorbike. They targeted a motorcycle that has a W code behind their vehicle license plate. The burning of the motor is done when a number of other student art show held ahead of the anniversary activities Makassar Bloody April (Anger).

Six motorcycles were burnt unknown number plate WP DD 3804, DD 6441 WK, DD 4997 WO, WM DD 2738, DD 4860 and DD 6681 WD WF. Two of the motorcycle was burnt down.

Arson was allegedly triggered by the death of Law faculty students UMI 2010, Geis Setiawan. Students from the city's Palopo presumed dead from stab wounds other students. This action stabbing occurred Sunday (21/4) at around 21:00 at night.

Geis was in intensive care at the Hospital Wahidin Sudirohusodo for more than 12 hours. However, due to severe bleeding that happened that his life was saved.

Vice Rector III of Indonesia Muslim University (UMI), Abdul Gani confirmed the occurrence of arson. He also strongly suspect arson was linked to the deaths of Geis, yesterday. However, not a student is suspected arsonists UMI.

"It's the direction it came from burning motive stabbing. Those who come forth with Palopo local language," said Abdul Gani.

He added, in anticipation of subsequent clashes, the university tightened security in the campus. There is no certainty whether the student will be closed or not. The only certainty when warning off Amarah later.

"If Anger, January 23 we dhikr together hold 24 and 25 students were closed," he explained.

It also coordinates the on-campus security until the time limit is not specified. Coordination is done to anticipate the subsequent clashes.

Panakkukang police chief, Commissioner General Kanigoro said the motive for the stabbing is still unknown Geis. The police, he said, was to develop the stabbing and arson related to the bike.

"We are still investigating this incident," he said.

He also said it deployed some police personnel on campus. It was done as a precaution to avoid further clashes action.

source : Harian Fajar

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