Poppo and Parakang Legend

Posted by Go Trends

poppo dan parakang
Speaking about the mystical, not the role of a local resident. Similarly, in the area that we nefgeri these kinds of stories spread by word of mouth. The following will serve blood-sucking ghost story "Poppo" as well as human imitation "Parakang" originating from South Sulawesi.

Poppo 'or some call Peppo' according to the man in the land trust is a type of stealth Bugis women who can fly. There is a story about Poppo is supposed to have occurred in a village. One day, Puang Imang with all his family to leave his home because of a family wedding held in other areas. The next night, the house entered by Poppo Puang Imang that, once again, it seems like a steal. Once items are taken away would have been wrapped with a sarong, Poppo it can not get out of the house Puang Imang. He said, according to the confession Poppo, he saw himself surrounded by water-like sea that has no shore.

After Puang Imang back, he finds Poppo has been transformed into a beautiful woman with long hair standing naked in the living room of his house. Turns Imang Puang home, before being abandoned, have disappo (fenced) with read - read (mantras) that Poppo was not getting out. Poppo was then given a piece of clothing by Puang Imang wife and was let go. But before to make her wary, long hair was cut nearly exhausted .

Poppo according to the beliefs of the Bugis in addition known as the phantom thief also likes to suck blood, especially women who are giving birth. Poppo also believed to be in the garden like corn or gardens where a lot of fruits. A Poppo was in a tree that bears fruit that is sometimes used by people (bold) in the mango fruiting season. Poppo is ' settled ' in the Mango Tree branches will drop ripe mango fruit on request of the owner.

About parakang, in addition to love sucking rectum sick people there are some other interesting things. If a face parakang dying agony, he would repeat the word Tarus Dales (moved) until no one from his family who said yes. After that, the person said yes it would be next parakang. If you find parakang, for example with a form of banana trees, people are encouraged to hit him once or three times only. If one hit will kill him and trusted three times will make it defective. That's why my neighbor women who moved were considered parakang because walking like people with knee pain. According to the people, one night, she was caught and beaten with goat tangible pieces of wood dilututnya three times. Since then he walks in a strange way. Two of the ghost, ghost parakang and Poppo is the most popular in our hometown. So popular when I was a kid Guidelines appreciation and practice of Pancasila or P4 we termed a Poppo, Parakang Pakkanre Pello (Poppo, Parakang eaters rectum).

Poppo and Parakang the Buginese people believe is some sort of punishment handed down due to errors or violations in connection with his ancestors had learned black magic in the past. (sangbaco.com)

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Haikal Sulaiman said...

Kalau di Bali di sebut leak ya?

Gone Asia said...

Iya bang Haikal, thank atas atensinya

Haikal Sulaiman said...


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