Maag Cope With Turmeric

Posted by Go Trends

Ulcer is often described as "inedible" its our stomach by stomach acid. If the disease strikes, we will feel the excruciating pain on upper left abdomen. Apparently some of the plants around us have properties prevent and cure it.

If you are vomiting a bit sour, temperature rises, the face pale, lack of appetite, stomach feels empty when she's hurt, pain and tightness in the upper, heartburn pain to sometimes make us wake up in the middle of the night, shitting irregular , sometimes constipation or diarrhea, you should be suspicious of peptic ulcers was whack us. The most popular term for this disease is heartburn.

Ulcer itself is a Dutch word meaning vocabulary stomach, which then Indonesianized become mag. Thus, the actual ulcer is a sore stomach. Generally, the disease often occurs in the form of blood type O is inflammation of the mucous membranes (mucosa) stomach (gastritis) or gastric mucosal injury (gastric ulcer) which is known as gastric ulcer (ulcer pepticum).

In sickness there are ulcers in the gastric mucosa. Ulcers caused by unbalance of gastric acid-pepsin secretion and mucus (gastric mucosal gland product that serves as a stronghold for the mucosal lining of the stomach). Since the stomach is located in the upper abdomen slightly to the left (solar plexus), the patients usually complain of pain in it. Culprit of this disease is a substance that can menginhibisi gastric acid secretion. For example, histamine and anti-inflammatory drugs. Work hard, mind tense, edgy, or lack of sleep also causes high levels of stomach acid. Often late eating, drinking acidic drugs on an empty stomach, drink alcoholic beverages, and cigarettes can also cause excessive disease. Similarly pylory Helicobacter bacterial infection that can invade gastric submucosal layer.

Based on the causes before, healing is done by neutralizing stomach acid, reduce gastric acid production, treating infections of the mucous membranes of the stomach, and relieve pain caused by irritation of the mucous membranes of the stomach wall or muscle spasms. Medicine, antacids, antihistamines, anticholinergics, demulcent (to reduce local irritation on peptic ulcers, and physically protect cells beneath the contact with irritants from outside). Especially for stomach pain due to infection of H. pylory treatment using antibiotics. To patients were also encouraged to eat small amounts but often.

Drink the clear water
In addition to treatment using pharmaceutical drugs, ulcer healing could also use medicinal plants. With a mix of plants that have demulcent properties, antacids, and astringent, will be the best preparation available for the treatment of wounds (ulcers).

Some of the plants that have been widely studied for ulcer healing is turmeric, aloe vera, basil, and komamila. In addition there are some plants that are empirically used as an ulcer drug, although there is still no scientific Data. Among kencur, grass jelly, and meniran.

Of all the plant, turmeric (Curcuma longa or C. domestica) is among the most known. The properties of turmeric to heal wounds has been reported since 1953. The results showed, with turmeric increased 23.3% rate of healing in rabbits and 24.4% in mice. The invention, and its use traditionally for dyspepsia, stimulate further research. Provision of water extracts or ethanol turmeric extract orally in rabbits significantly lower gastric acid secretion and increase mucus production in the gastric mucosa. These results demonstrate the therapeutic effect of saffron for gastric diseases possible stimulatory effects of mucus. Juice and turmeric powder also showed antiulcer activity induced by administration of high doses of HCl, aspirin, and the pressure in mice. The dose of each 165 mg / kg body weight for turmeric juice and 10 g / kg body weight for turmeric powder.

Identification of the active ingredient of turmeric effort led to the discovery of curcumin. Experimentally curcumin is effective in preventing and repairing ulcers induced by phenylbutazone and aspirin. Curcumin increases gastric mucus so that the activity of gastric ulcers can be explained by the stimulation of the production of mucus.

Clinical trials on the effects of turmeric ulcers performed on 10 patients. Drugs administered orally at a dose of 2 capsules of 250 mg, 4 times daily, half to one hour before meals and at bedtime. Run periodic endoscopic examination before treatment and 4, 8, 12 weeks after treatment. Ulcers completely healed in 5 patients within 4 weeks or 7 patients within 4-12 weeks.

Another case study involving the use of turmeric powder for stomach pain caused by ulcers. After 12 weeks of treatment, 88% of patients receiving turmeric pills (3 pills, which is equivalent to 4 g) showed improvement and an incurable case.

Turmeric also has anti-inflammatory properties. Antiinflammatory efficacy of turmeric is comparable to a cure hydrokortison acetate induced inflammation due karagenin. Water extract (extracted using water) 40 mg / kg indomentasin efficacious with 5 mg / kg body weight. Antiinflammatory efficacy is due to the essential oils.

To use it as an ulcer medication required 2 turmeric fingers. This material peeled and cleaned, shredded, and boiled water added. After that, squeezed through a clean cloth. The result is silenced and taken the clear water. In a day and drink 2 times, one for each ingredient. Drink it in the morning before eating and at night before bed.

Gel destructive inflammatory source

Other plants that can be used to prevent and heal stomach ulcers is Aloe vera (Aloe vera). Plants that like thick leafy place this summer with the "thorn" at the edges and a lot containing gel. Gel is usually used as a drug, including to treat the ulcer.

Research has shown, by the provision of aloe vera gel 2 ml 2 times a day, gastric ulcers in rats induced aspirin (100 mg / kg) was successfully cured. Efficacy of treating peptic ulcers comes from Aloenin and lactate Magnesiun identified aloe leaf can inhibit gastric acid secretion in experimental animals.

Other active substances identified as Aloctin Aloctin A and B. Aloctin A inhibits secretion of gastric acid and pepsin when given intravenously in mice. Another potent ingredient is Aloin and Anthraquinone that can increase the production of prostaglandins. In addition, aloe vera has anti-inflammatory properties. Aloe vera gel contains bradykinase, which is a source of inflammation enzyme breaker, Bradykinin.

To make aloe vera as a medicine necessary ulcer gel of about ½ fresh aloe vera leaves. Gel drink to much to drink. In a day and need to take it 2 times. To improve the flavor gel can be given honey to taste. Pregnant women should not take this natural herb.
Some plants also are empirically proven to cure ulcer despite no scientific Data. Among kencur, grass jelly, and meniran.

Powder (Kaempferia galanga), which are often used as one of the herbs, also traditionally used as an ulcer drug. For this purpose it takes 1 finger rhizome. Rhizome washed, peeled and chewed with salt as needed. After finely chewed, swallowed kencur followed by drinking warm water. This is done 3 times a day.

Cincau (Cylea barbata), whose leaves are used as a refreshing drink ingredients, can also be used as medicine. This plant is a plant herb twist. Single leaf with a shape similar to the heart symbol (heart) the bridge card and fluffy surface.

When the leaf is used, it is necessary first handheld leaf grass jelly (about 80 gram wet weight). Leaves washed and finely ground. The result is kneaded with water and filtered cooking necessary, given whiting water as necessary so quickly becomes thick. After clot eaten with sugar water or syrup. In a day of traditional medicine in this way is done 3 times, each with ¾ cup water (glass capacity is about 200 cc).

Meniran Phyllanthus niruri) is a medicinal plant other stomach pain. This plant is an herb plant that grows upright in damp places and rocky. The high reached 50 cm. Compound leaves are alternate, oval to oval with a small size. Leaf is commonly used as a drug.

Its use as a medicine could do with a wash and boil ¾ meniran handheld leaf in 3 cups water dining. Boil until the volume of water carried her stay ¾. After chilling filtered and drunk with honey as necessary. How this is done 3 times a day. (Lucie Widowati, researchers Pharmaceutical Research Institute, Ministry of Health)

Heartburn can be treated traditionally, ie by drinking boiled water mixed turmeric and cinnamon slices that have been washed first. Slice 5 finger turmeric size of approximately 1 mm and then add 2 slices cinnamon approximately 5 cm respectively. Boil from 3 cups to 1 cup in a vessel that is not made of aluminum. The water decoction of the nodes will turn red. Drink boiled water when heartburn was felt, should be out 1 cup. With routinized drink boiled water before, insha Allah you can heal ulcers.

Another herb turmeric can be made from water, egg yolk and a little sugar. How to take boggol turmeric, kira2 $ 2 thumbs, peel, wash and grate. Put the grated turmeric and 1 cup water to the pan wrote. boiled until boiling. If it is boiling, strain into a glass of water turmeric. mixed with raw egg yolk and a little sugar. Stir until smooth. Let stand until hangat2 ​​nails, after that miss drinking drunk .. Ga appropriate use of prayer masing2 confidence. Insha Allah heal .. :-))

But remember if you have had heartburn, do not eat too spicy, sour, do not drink coffee, eat besides regular and irregular lifestyle make it a habit to be away from the stress. In addition, of course, try to eat regularly (if it is not forgotten, even many bonuses, aka snack). But certainly if the stomach feels hungry, immediately filled, if not done mealtime, snack crackers or biscuits or anything else which includes light snacks category. No need to eat in a hurry, especially when the stomach is empty again.

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