RCTI TV Online

Posted by Go Trends


Dated August 24, 1989 an important note sheet inscribed in the history of television Indonesia, the first private television station in Indonesia, RCTI, began airing terrestrial in Jakarta. Serving a variety of entertainment programs, news and information that is packed with interesting. RCTI grows quickly becoming a change agent and innovator in the social dynamics of society in Indonesia.

Currently a television station RCTI has the widest range in Indonesia, through 48 relaynya station RCTI programs witnessed by more than 190.4 million viewers spread over 478 cities across the archipelago, or approximately 80.1% of the population Indonesia. This demographic conditions with attractive programs design followed a good rating, attracting advertisers to display their promo on RCTI.

Since its inception, the ideals RCTI is creating a series of flagship events in one channel, which allows advertisers to choose RCTI as their advertising medium. The dream becomes real because since its establishment until now has always been a market leader RCTI. At the age of 22, in 2011 (the period of January to December 2011) RCTI retaining the position of market leader with 17.5% share of audience reach (ABC, 5 +) and 17.8% (All Demography). RCTI also managed to maintain the highest share of television advertising by 15.7% (January - November 2011), as reported by Nielsen Audience Measurement.

In RCTI, quality is not a word without meaning, but harmonization of dreams, idealism, sincerity, hard work, togetherness, and prayer. 6 (six) aspects are reflected and coloring RCTI programs that carry the motto "Pride of the Nation Belongs Together" but appeared in packaging that is "okay". Quality programs eventually led RCTI RCTI to always be in the forefront in the TV broadcasting industry in Indonesia.

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