Serum, Skin Care Shortcuts

Posted by Go Trends


No need to wait long to get the results of the skin care routine you are doing. With serum cosmetic technology, you can enjoy maximum results in a short time.

Serum is a concentrated active ingredients are water or oil based. Serum concentration of the active ingredient in about 10 times higher than the cream products, but more rapidly absorbed and more effectively treating skin problems.

According dr.Hanny Nilasari, Sp.KK, serum is one of the topical formulation or spread, in addition to creams, ointments, powders, pastes, or liquids.

"In terms of serum absorption into the skin of the nicest, but the active ingredient is high enough. Though minimal wear skin area. For it must be careful in its use so as not to irritate the skin," he said in introducing Class Nivea Nivea Body Whitening Serum in Jakarta , on Thursday (25.04.13).

In addition to serum, in fact there are other ways to maximize the absorption of active ingredients into the skin, which is administered orally or systemically. "The materials used topically or smeared onto the skin penetration power is slower than oral or systemic. But actually beneficial because if there is an allergic reaction does not appear instantly effect," he added.

However it should be noted that the serum can not be used simultaneously to solve a variety of problems as well as skin. If serum products to address dry skin, then the product only contains moisturizing components alone. Similarly, serum for skin rejuvenation, maybe it only contains collagen, elastin, or placental extracts.

Another advantage of the cosmetic form of serum is anyone can wear, men and women. But Hannah does not recommend the use of serum-based products in children and infants.


Serum is commonly used in anti-aging products, acne prevention, to hair care. Serum is now also present in the body moisturizing products.

Nivea, the skin care products from Germany, introduced Nivea Body Whitening Serum, which not only moisturize the skin but also enlightening.

"Our research suggests regular use of this product will make your skin brighter and softer in two weeks," said Ariani Rudjito, Nivea brand manager.

Ariani explains, skin lightening products is still a skin care product most sought-after consumers.

"Indonesian women still vying to brighten skin. Survey we showed skin lightening product market over 62 percent of all cosmetic products," he said.

Nivea Body Whitening Serum, further Ariani, contain high concentrations of vitamin C content of Camu-camu berry extract to brighten skin.

"This product contains vitamin C serum with a purity level of vitamin C is almost 95 percent. Serum content itself is still safe for everyday use," he said.

The use of cosmetics containing concentrates or serum not only make us get the effect right away, but it also raises its own satisfaction because the results can be seen quickly.

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