Signs and Need to Avoid Drowsy Driving

Posted by Go Trends

Any activity performed in a state of drowsiness of course the result is not the same as doing it in a fit condition. When sleepy, will decrease the concentration, alertness and reflex. Consequently, people are sleepy more often make mistakes that affect the accuracy of results.

While sleepy is not recommended to engage in activities that require high concentration with dangerous consequences such as driving. But not infrequently also people impose themselves.

Sleep health specialists Mitra Kemayoran Hospital dr. Andreas Prasadja said, driving while drowsy as dangerous as driving while drunk. Even accidents caused by drowsy driving twice that number of accidents due to the condition of the vehicle that is not feasible, and three times higher than the road that is not feasible.

Unfortunately, says Andreas, drowsiness often not realized due to the use of stimulants such as caffeine and nicotine can delay sleep. "Stimulants purportedly can overcome sleepiness, but it can only delay it," he said.

Andreas also explained the clinical signs that need to be considered when going to / was driving. If you experience these signs, then you should be discouraged to drive.

1. Loss of concentration.
You start it difficult to focus on an activity that you do. You also often think of things other than what you should be thinking dreamy thoughts alias.

2. More frequent eye blinking.
You feel your eyes start stinging and frequency of blinking more often.

3. Repeatedly yawning.
Yawning is a common sign of drowsiness, which marks the start brain deprived of oxygen.

4. Difficult to keep the head upright.
Head feels heavy and more like leaning.

5. Break the rules.
Especially while driving, people often violate sleepy road markings, passing lane, and doing some other violation.

6. Easily provoked emotions.
Irritable and angry one sign you sleepy.

7. Unconsciously through the streets.
When driving, you realize so surprised because it passed a certain way.

source : Kompas

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Optilert said...

Drowsy driving is more dangerous. It will not only affect us, but also the people around too. Nowadays many revolutionary technologies are there to overcome drowsy driving.

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