Yammer, Tree Stand Again After 200 Years tumbles

Posted by Go Trends

Since two days, the residents of Kediri, East Java, shocked by the news of the establishment back an old tree that had fallen in the area of ​​the cemetery Hamlet Joho, Sumberrejo Village, District Ngasem. Residents of various areas in the city nicknamed the "City of tofu" is also throng to the site to see firsthand trees by local people called this fur tree.

The number of visitors that make local people run from the parking lot to start a charity box. Caretaker of the tomb, Kasmuri, said, referring to the story of his predecessors, age 2 meter diameter trees that reach 200 years and as a marker of an old cemetery.

The tree fell on April 15 during a hurricane. before the collapse, he said, many frameworks bodies lodged tree roots, and then re-buried. Meanwhile, the tree back up on Saturday (27/04/2013) morning and none of the people who know.

"Know him yet again been established. Fact, I was well into the afternoon here," said the caretaker who is familiarly called Rijan it when found Kompas.com, Monday (04/29/2013).

Observation Kompas.com, the tree was back upright. However, his condition was no longer intact. The remaining live tree trunks underneath it. The other part was cut out. It is possible trees stand back in the absence of load balance, or the roots have more weight than the stem, thus making the tree trunk raised.

Similar feelings were expressed by Bowo, loggers workers who met at the site of the tomb. "This condition is rare I find. But if you look at the tree stump larger than the shaft, so it could be lifted. Actually so common," said Bowo.

Bowo also cut the tree into smaller sections. He was assigned by his employer who had bought the tree for the purposes of making a place egg crate or other tools.

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