This Event List Toraja Lovely December 2013

Posted by Go Trends

Toraja Lovely December 2013
Not feel we soon entered the end of 2013. In South Sulawesi, at that time a number of exciting events presented in Tana Toraja and North Toraja.

"Toraja Lovely December". A grand event will be full of art and cultural tourism attractions in the Toraja region. Including Christmas and New Year is framed by magnificent and vibrant. Later this year, the event is already included in the calendar of South Sulawesi province was also coupled with the Toraja International Festival 2013.

Inaugural event will begin with Moto Track Travel on November 30 to December 1. Then Toraja tourism blog writing contest on December 5 to 6. Do not miss the Carnival of Culture on December 28, 2013. Including funeral plans nobility of Toraja traditional ceremony.

The following list shows the Toraja Lovely December 2013:
  • Track Moto Holidays (November 30-December 1)
  • Toraja Tourism Blog Writing Contest (5-6 December)
  • Jet Set Automation (December 14 to 15)
  • Bamboo Music Festival and Drum Band (16-19 December)
  • Toraja Art (December 16 to 21)
  • Performances Music / Spiritual (24 December)
  • Parade Music Festival (Kelong Toraja) (December 27)
  • Travel Fox Hunting Contest (4-6 December)
  • Games of the People (the District Competition)
  • Art Exhibition Sandarupa
  • Competition Decorative lights and Christmas Trees (1-31 December)
  • Cross Country Bike Holidays (December 28)
  • Toraja Night Festival (December 28)
  • Mass Dance (December 28)
  • Cultural Carnival (December 28)
  • The highlight event Lovely December (December 28)
  • Fireworks (December 28)

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