Eliminate Acne With Ice Cubes

Posted by Go Trends

Like drinking ice? When it's the hot weather like this is fresh when drinking a glass of ice water.

Did companions, if ice cubes are not just used as an emetic thirst, but also beneficial to health, beauty and even skin. What are the benefits? Let's read the following immediately.

1. With ice cubes, acne disappear. Ice cubes can address the inflammation caused by acne. Ice is used for reducing acne and deflates. Another function is to help balance the oil gland production, thereby reducing acne.

2. Ice cubes can cope with migraines and headaches. The trick is to put some ice cubes into small pieces into the plastic and stick it in the back of the neck and temples. In addition to overcoming headaches, also can overcome back pain and stiffness. Used was the same way.

3. Useful to shrink the skin pores. Do it by wrapping ice cubes in a small cotton, rub on the skin surface. This serves to tighten skin pores and also keep sebum production (oil glands) in normal conditions.

4. For those who feel they have fine hair on the face, can be overcome with the use of ice cubes;) But this certainly requires a very long process. However, a touch of ice cubes on the face can help turn off the hair roots.

5. Smoothes and tightens the breast. Use some ice cubes wrapped in a cloth, then massage the breast with a touch of the ice. Go slow, be useful to help smooth and tighten the breast.

That's some of the benefits surrounding the use of ice cubes as an alternative therapy for health and beauty. However, the use of these therapies can be used in normal conditions. If, physical condition are at an advanced stage you should contact an expert.

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